17 July, 2023


Since time immemorial or even before the Hebrew Scriptures were written, "god" is defined as 

'an object of worship.' 

Not only among ancient men or writings but even to Moses it is defined as such.

"And has gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, ... " -Deuteronomy 17:3

"... the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshipped..." -Jeremiah 8:2

Any thing man worships is biblically defined as a god.

"... whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." -Philippians 3:19

Joshua told to Hebrews that Terah, the father of Abraham and Nahor worshipped elohim (gods) on the other side of Nahar (River Euphrates).

"And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus says YHWH God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the River in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods." -Joshua 24:2

In the Bible, sun, moon, stars, celestial things, images, idols, name, breathe or spirits, idea, concept, dream-appearing entity or being, force or forces, messengers or angels, kings, judges, lords, the Unknown and the Creator are gods, simply because they are or can be objects of worship. But not all of them are the ultimate Creator, hence in the Bible the Creator is the "God of gods" (Deut 10:17, Josh 22:22). 

Before biblical era, the most known god is the sun. It is an example of a god that has physical existence. Earthly men, animals, and plants cannot live without this god. Until today Sun creates elements and ions by transmuting lighter atoms into heavier atoms. Sun emits power. Sun was a god of ancient Egyptians, and no one can prove that the sun is not a god of ancient Egyptians. No evidence can be shown to prove that the sun is not a god of ancient Egyptians. In fact, even biblical Moses clearly says that the sun is one of gods of other people (Deut 6:14).

"And has gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven..." -Deuteronomy 17:3
In this passage, Moses gives examples of 'objects of worship,' namely sun, moon, or any host of heaven. Moses' definition for gods is objects of worship, service, and walking after.

" ... YHWH your God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them ..." -Deuteronomy 8:19

The God of Moses acknowledges that there are other gods (or other objects of worship), mentioned in the 1st command of the Ten Commandments:

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." -Exodus 20:3

Dream-appearing entity (being) can be also an object of worship, and in fact this was one of the major sources of a state god. An example of it is El Shaddai who appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in dreams (Gen 15:1, 20:3,6,  31:24, 46:2). 
Likewise, ordinary Hebrew prophets knew YHWH in dreams (Num 12:6, 1Sam 28:6,15, Job 33:14-15).

Kings also, whether in Assyria, Egypt, Israel, and so on, were reportedly having seen a god in dream (cf. 1Kings 3:5).
This was why other cities or countries have their own gods. 
The well known dream of a pharaoh was reported by Thutmose IV:

"One of those days it came to pass that the King's Son Thothmes came, coursing at the time of mid-day, and he rested in the shadow of this Great God [Sphinx]. Sleep seized him at the hour when the sun was in its zenith, and he found the Majesty of this Revered God speaking with his own mouth, as a father speaks with his son, saying: 'Behold thou me, my son, Thothmes. I am thy father, Horemakhet-Kheperi-Ra-Atum; I will give to thee my Kingdom upon earth at the head of the living...
When he finished this speech, the King's Son awoke, hearing this... he understood the words of the God, and he put them in his heart..." - Dream Stele, 1400 BCE

Gudea cylinders are the earliest known records of dream with gods in Sumerian cuneiform asking priest king Gudea to build temple for Ningursu (Ninurta). 

Gudea said: “Oh Goddess Nanshe... In the dream, I saw a man who was as huge as heaven and earth. As to his upper part, he was a god. At his right and left, there crouched a lion. He commanded me to build him a temple, but I did not fully understand him. Then the sun shone onto me from the horizon, and I saw a young woman whom I could not recognise. She was wearing a crown on her head and holding a Stylus in her hand and a metal plate on which the promising stars of the sky were drawn. A second hero was present.  ... next to my god (Ningirsu), and a donkey gesturing with its hoof.” 

After telling this, Nanshe answered him that the sun that shone onto him from the horizon is his god, Nunkish zida. The young woman is his sister, goddess Nisaba, instructing him to lay out the temple astronomically aligned with the holy stars.

This phenomenon that a god is appearing in dream was a common thing in ancient days, but probably as humans devolve, this capability ceases, too. Therefore, the reality in the past is somewhat different from ours today with regards to seeing god in dreams. The most likely reason for this is because humans are devolving as centuries pass by. It seems that during the Bronze and Iron Age, humans felt nature somewhat like living thing, or what they called god. It seems that sensitivity of few humans those days was very attached to the Consciousness that pervades in nature or surrounding, as in, lightnings serve as neurotransmitters inside a gigantic brain called environment. Although we cannot see the consciousness, but we are sure that behind neurons' subatomic particles is the invisible consciousness or mind. Neurons are interconnected and the tiniest units to perceive; its bigger versions are the humans. The more humans become detached from nature or environment, because of devolution (or reduced meditation that leads to transcending), the more he becomes insensitive to the consciousness or minds behind the environment.
In history, the most attached to the Consciousness in environment was Moses. A fire from Horeb in Makhtesh Ramon had introduced to him by the name YHWH, defined as Everlastingly Great is Yah, or in Hebrew "ehyeh-asher-ehyeh" ("He Causes What Exists" or "Ea who is Ea"), probably derived from "Ea-Ea." YHWH is defined in Psalms 95:3a as "Great God," the meaning of which is what Egyptian phrase "Ua-ua" ("Supreme One") means.

 This is not an impossibility because according to Psalms 104:4 YHWH can make flaming fire ministers and winds messengers, hence "Horeb" may mean 'hot' or volcano. This happened during the time that there were seismic activities and fire beneath the soil of Makhtesh Ramon 'welding' the major strike-slip fault there, the way the major strike-slip fault in Eden (Karaca) became active during the days of Adamu and Cain (Num 26:10). 

YHWH in the Bible is defined as Which causes vapor to ascend from the ends of the soil, and makes lightning, and brings wind

"For I know that YHWH is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever YHWH pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places. He causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the soil; He makes lightnings for the rain; He brings the wind out of his treasuries." -Psalms 135:5-7

"... there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a 

flame of fire 

in a bush. When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him, Saying, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled..." -Acts 7:30-32

King Rameses II (1279-1213) identified the area of Makhtesh Ramon by the toponym "t3 sh-sw yhw3" ("Shasu Land of Yahweh"), which was called "Yah" or Yiha by king Ramesses III (1186-1155 BCE) and located it south of Atharim or Arad between Kadesh-barneah and Seir (Deut 1:2).

YHWH in the biblical time is using messenger as mouthpiece or spokesperson. Jesus Christ defines such mouthpieces as gods (John 10:35). The fire used as a messenger (angel) to constantly communicate with Moses is called God because of being the mouthpiece of YHWH to talk to Moses. At first, his cousins, and siblings Miriam and Aaron were doubting on him because they could not see or hear YHWH, it was only Moses who could hear. 

All movements or actions in nature are the doings of YHWH. 
YHWH is the Maker or Creator of all, and is called God because of being an object of worship. 

There is only one absolute Creator. YHWH is a God of knowledge (science).

"... YHWH is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed." -1Samuel 2:3

In modern science, the Cosmic Creator is theorized to be the Cosmic Programmer or Panpsyche (Cosmic Mind).   

The debate is not about "god," but about what is the Creator. We can present physical god or gods, but it will need higher intellect to present the evidence for the Cosmic Creator. Both theists and scientists believe that there is a Cosmic Creator. The only debate is what is that Creator?

There are gods that do not make the heavens and the earth, as clarified by prophet Jeremiah (10:11), as well as there is the only God that behind the natural forces. Scientific prediction of prophet Jeremiah about that Creator goes like this:

"YHWH is the true Elohim [(dual) Forces/God], He is the
Elohim hayyim 
[living Force], 

and an everlasting ruler: at His wrath the earth shall vibrate... 
He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the universe by His discretion. When he utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the land; He makes lightnings with rain, and brings forth the wind out of his treasures. 
... for He is the One that forms all things ... YHWH Tzeba'ot is His name." -Jeremiah 10:10,12-13,16

In 605 BCE prophet Jeremiah dictated to scribe Baruch ben Neriah all what he had heard from YHWH and Baruch wrote it (36:18), and then in 604 BCE read it in the hearing of Micaiah ben Gemariah ben Shaphan, who reported this to the king upon the hearing of Elishama the scribe, Delaiah ben Shemaiah, Elnathan ben Achbor, Gemariah ben Shaphan, and Zedekiah ben Hananiah  (Jer 36:1-32). The existence of Gemariah ben Shaphan is proven by their bullae archaeologically found in the administrative office of the kingdom of Israel destroyed in 586 BCE. The bullae of Baruch are purchased from Antiquities Dealer and most likely made in a Benjaminite site, where Jeremiah lived.

The report of Jeremiah (15:9-10) of a solar eclipse during his birth gives credence to his existence because indeed there was an eclipse of the sun on 15th April 657 BCE at 39.339° 18' N 35°24'E, within 5 minutes 12 seconds, 299 km (186 mi) wide.
There is no doubt, prophet Jeremiah did exist (fl. 657-604 BCE). He has a declaration that contains scientific prediction, the prediction that the Creator is the everlasting governing "living Force," which stretched out the universe or heavens and made earth by power and established the world by wisdom, that there is discretion in the stretching of the heavens, and that Creator is the reason or Force behind the motions or forces in nature.
Between 1676 and 1689, Gottfried Leibniz discovered that "vis viva" (Latin: "living force") is conserved, that is, it cannot be destroyed into or create from nothingness (inexistence). In 1802 in lectures, Thomas Young of the Royal Society called it "energy," from the roots

"en" ('in')
"ergos" ('work').

Energy is the living or stretching force.

Energy or work, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, cannot be created from or destroyed into inexistence. It is the "work" of a Cosmic Worker that exerts it everlastingly. This proves the claim of Jeremiah that there is such an everlasting "living force."

Energy (work) is not "work" without Worker. As the Worker cannot be created from or destroyed into inexistence, so is the "work" ("energy"). The Worker (Powerful Source) is uncreated and indestructible. And "ENERGY" is the only "work" that cannot be destroyed into or created from nothingness (inexistence).

The contents of "energy" are "quantum vibrations" exerted from an everlasting powerful nonphysical Exerter. From nonphysical world (also known virtual world), these quantum vibrations are fluctuated into physical world through Metastable False Vacuum (the Cosmic Mouth). In physical world, these quantum vibrations can be converted into photons.
Therefore, photons are the physical form of energy (work). Photons are work of a powerful Worker.
Photon, the particle of light, is neither matter nor antimatter.

 Photon does not age. One day in photons is like one thousand years, and one thousand years is like one day. The passage of photons from one point to another is what we called time. Photon is energy. The light it shows to living things is visual consciousness. And God is light, and it is YHWH who forms the light (1John 1:5). Therefore, energy and consciousness are two "faces" of the same coin. Or to simplify, consciousness is detection of energy produced by electric and/or magnetic forces. Once this "detection" becomes a detection of itself, it will become "awareness." This is the answer to the hard question in psychology.
Photons, however, can be converted into matter and antimatter. Light (photons) can be converted into heavens and earth.
Jeremiah's scientific prediction is that "Living Force" (Elohim hayyim) made the earth by "power." It is expected since 'power' is force x velocity, or

P = F • v,

or power 'P' is the expenditure of energy in time,

P = E / T,

where "E" is "work" ('energy') and "T" is "time" (in second). 

Photons cannot have rest because they would have destroyed if they would rest. Light would be destroyed if it rests, thus YHWH asks: 

"... where is the place of My rest?" (Isaiah 66:1)

Thus, "work" is the stretch of "force." It also proves true the claim of Jeremiah that the heavens are stretched out.

Science also confirmed that the universe is expanding, and recently scientists found out that the universe is not just expanding, it is in fact stretching. Therefore, Jeremiah's scientific prediction is proved true.
And like the stretching of neurotransmitters in the brain between neurons' synapses and dendrites, discretion or consciousness is there. Though consciousness is invisible to outsiders, we are so sure that behind - the switching on neurons' subatomic particles that resulted to detection - is the consciousness. 

" [YHWH] ... has stretched out the heaven by His understanding." -Jeremiah 51:15

In this formula, the stretching out of the universe has an equivalent of understanding or consciousness. We can visualize it as stretching out of neurotransmitters between neurons, behind of which is the consciousness. 


The 4 important things we have in this existence are the atoms, universe, human, and consciousness.

Absolutely both the universe and man are composed of atoms, and both have active electric activities. Man is living because of the electric activities done by human body's electrochemical impulses from peripheral to inside the brain. The entire universe is also connected by various forces of the electric fields and magnetic fields from various celestial objects and communications of these forces are wirelessly done (unlike to electricity of the brain which is conveyed via nerves, neurons, axons, dendrites and synapses).

As there are many "ways" or paths in the brain to form "thoughts," the universe has also many paths in space. 

 " For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my 
 higher than your ways, and my 
 than your thoughts. " - Isaiah 55:9 (KJV)

   The "ways" or paths of YHWH are His "thoughts" and they are in the vastness of the heavens or universe.

  The "thoughts" of YHWH are His "ways." Thought is defined as a "way". 

The smallest lightning on element is the movement of an ionic electron from one atom to another. This action will happen by the knowledge of YHWH. And thought is formed by this action.

 "Who has put wisdom in the layers of clouds, Or has given understanding in the marvel of the sky " - Job 38:36

 "Who has put wisdom in the clouds, or given understanding to the mists?" - Job 38:36 (RSV)

Although we cannot literally see in the brain the "understanding" or "consciousness," but for sure the mists in synapses possess it.

The fire or bombardment of signals from one brain cell to another produces great things, like realisation, mind, and memory.

"God thunders marvelously with His voice; great things does He, which we cannot comprehend." - Job 37:5

  In Hebrew Bible, expanding of the universe has an equivalent effect: it results to production of "understanding" ('Consciousness) or "discretion" of YHWH. It means by YHWH's consciousness (understanding/discretion), the universe is stretched out. 
 The expanding universe is flat, so it is stretching.

  There is power in earth, as there is wisdom in the world and there is understanding in the heaven.

 "But YHWH is the true ELOHIM ([unified] FORCES), He is the living Elohim (God), and an everlasting king: at His wrath the earth shall vibrate, and the nations shall not be able to abide His indignation. 
He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has expanded the universe by His discretion. " - Jeremiah 10:10, 12

The natural breaking of the depths and the dropping down the dew of the clouds have the "knowledge" of YHWH. This means there is something knowable in the breaking of depths and dropping of dew from clouds. Likewise, in the human brain, breaking of depths of neurons, axons, and dendrites and dropping of neurohormones from dendrites contain "knowledge."

"YHWH by wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding has He established the heavens. By His knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew " - Proverbs 3:19-20

A minute version of this is also occurring inside the brain. When the "consciousness" thinks, the molecules in dendrites, axons and neurons vibrate, and the dendrites expand or stretch, resulting to discretion or understanding. New branches of dendrites are created by constructing ions into 'bytes' of human memory and power (or work expended in time) is utilized.

Since all things are made by the "power" of YHWH, we can see clearly the Godhead or power by "consciousness" ("perceiving " or "understanding the things that are made").

  God is the face or formed face of YHWH. God is a moving part of YHWH, as mind is a controlling part of a " human being" in the brain.

Isaiah 43:10

"  'atem  (You [are] )

  'edhay (My witnesses),

ne'um YHWH (says Yahweh),

we'abdi (and My servant)

'aser (whom)

bakareti (I have chosen); 

lema'an (that)

teda'u (you may know)

weta'aminu (and believe)

li (Me)

wetabinu (and understand)

ki- (that)

'ani ( I [am] )

hu (He) -

lefanay (My face/parts that turn)

lo- (no)

nohsar (there was moulded/fashioned)

'el (Force/God),

we'acharay (and My backs/ hind parts)

lo (no)

yihyeh (shall there be). s  " - Isaiah 43:10

"You are My witnesses," declares YHWH, "I have chosen you as My servant to know and believe Me and understand that I am He. There were no My phanai (face/parts that turn) formed  el (force/God), and no My acharai (backs that follow) shall there be."

 " You are My witnesses, " says YHWH, " whom I have chosen to be My servant to know and believe Me and understand that I am He - that except My phanay (face/parts that turn) no moulded EL (force/God), and My acharay (backs that follow) shall there be." - Isaiah 43:10

Here prophet Isaiah is mentioning "phanay" ("My parts that turn), derived from "panah" ("face"). And also "acharay" ("My backs that follow") from "achar" ("hind part"). These parts that turn and backs that follow are the perpendicular unified electric and magnetic forces of every photon (particle of light): this YHWH forms the light. 

These photons of light are called "do not appearing things" or "word of God."

" ... the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen not made of things which do appear" -Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)

 " ... the word of God, ... things which do not appear " - Hebrews 11:3 (RSV)

And this is the word of His power by which all things are upheld.

" ... upholding all things by the word of his power " - Hebrews 11:3 (KJV)

Light is "power x time." The weakest of every photon has the workphoton:

0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 662 606 896 joule

with the " amount" (existence) of 7.372 496 x 10^-51 kilogram

and has had the radius of

0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 5968 meter (5.968 x 10^-43 meter), the deepest part of light.

The entrance or unfolding of His "word" gives visual consciousness or understanding.

" The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple." - Psalms 119:130 (NKJV)

" The unfolding of thy words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple." - Psalms 119:130 (RSV)

  This means that all visible things are made of consciousness.
Inside photons is the sensation of light, the perceiving of understanding of the visibility. Therefore, the absolute composition of visible things (matter) is the light. This matter is governed by the Natural Law, given of the Lawgiver.

Nature is defined in Psalms 135:6-7 as :

" Whatever the LORD pleases He does, In heaven and in earth, In the seas and in all deep places. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth, He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasures." - Psalms 135:6-7 (NKJV)

That's the spiritual side. The secular understanding of it, is that "nature" is what happens.
The natural flow or activities are counteracted by supernatural, called mind (active consciousness). All living organisms from the tiniest to the biggest possess this power to counteract the natural flow, and it is done when "consciousness" or "mind" alters the polarity of magnetic or electric force in neural pathways.
As the human brain is the seat of consciousness (mind), the universe is the throne of YHWH.

"Thus says YHWH, The heaven is my throne ..." -Isaiah 66:1

As the Mind of YHWH is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent in the universe, the human mind is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent inside the brain. Why is this so? Because man is created in the image of Elohim (Force/God).
Men are detached "neurons" of the much bigger Brain (Universe).
That theory is simplified as 

abiogenesis means a disembodied consciousness.

 Needless to say, no biogenesis will happen without any agency of mind or active consciousness. Our first parent is the universe, the physical entity used by nonphysical Creator as either an interface or avatar to create living organisms.
The Bible summarizes it this way:

"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are animals. 
For the fate of humans and the fate of animals is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. Yes, they all have the same breath, and humans have no advantage over the animals; for all is vanity.
All go unto ekhad [united] place; all are min- [from,part,species] of the dust, and all turn to dust again. 

Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upwards and the spirit of animals goes downwards to the earth?" -Ecclesiastes 3:18-21

Sons of men are but animals as far as their estate is concerned, according to this biblical passage. And animals are from dust and will go to the dust again, that is, animals and humans were created mortal - as the dust is not eternal. 
Our first physical parent, which gave birth to us, is the earth. Our life that was written in the book of life in earth is from the Cosmic Creator (Encoder of Information). 

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously 

wrought in the 
lowest parts of the earth. 

Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy 


all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy 


unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee." -Psalms 139:14-18

The transfer of information to DNA or genes is not the way human encoder encodes information to computer, which requires effort of calculations and engineering. The transfer or the encoding is by thoughts, visualization, or imagining, of which effects are automatically formed not one by one but simultaneously from basic forms to not-yet appearing forms (e.g. by-products).
We can know this from inside human brain. As "consciousness" is actively functioning (or as "mind" is active), new brain cells are created in the hippocampus. This cell-genesis is not disconnected to "consciousness," and in fact scientists discovered that as old as 97 (BBC news March 25, 2019), a human brain - that can still use mind to think - is still producing new neurons (brain cells). For this reason, abiogenesis means a disembodied consciousness, and biogenesis is creation or formation of new cells by the action of consciousness (mind). This Redoña biological law is true from the smallest organisms to the biggest one. There is a consciousness behind the formation of cells.

Consciousness is switching on electric charges back to their former state (that is, the state of consciousness) for a split of a moment. Sans switching on electric charges, sans consciousness. Our consciousness is a snapshot of reality, and we borrow it from a bigger Consciousness. Our consciousness is a bit or tiny fragment of a bigger Consciousness.

If our skin cells are injected inside the brain, those skin cells will become integrated and function

 as brain cells. 

If all human brains are integrated, to function as one, they - though many - will become one " thinking consciousness " ("mind") or they will be no longer many minds but a single "thinking being." 
This only means that we are separated minds from a bigger Mind (Consciousness). 
We borrow our consciousness from that Cosmic Consciousness. 

Inside our mind, we can create universe and we can visit the entire universe without bothering of time and effort, because time inside mind is like "one thousand years is as one day, and one day is as one thousand years." Inside mind we can replay past scenery at any period and speed. Nevertheless, there is no hard thing for the Cosmic Mind to replay past events of the universe in the Judgment Day. Time becomes a problem outside mind. Mind has no borders. 

And this answers the question is the region outside the physical universe has a boundary? The physical universe is inside a Cosmic Mind, and that Mind has no boundary. 
Cosmic Mind (Consciousness) is the Father of all forms of consciousness or living things.
All organisms are various forms of neurons derived and dissociated from a common Consciousness or Mind. Our skin cells, muscle cells, etc. when injected in the brain will be converted into neurons and function as brain cells, because all cells came from a single cell or a pair of single cells, which later are divided and modified into eye cells, lung cells, liver cells, digestive cells, heart cells, etc. All of these are neurons in various forms and names. Needless to say, all humans and organisms are neurons in various forms. Neurons are formed as a by-products of the activities of mind or consciousness. In human, brain cells are created in hippocampus: thinking consciousness is equivalent of movements of ions. As consciousness is visualizing or thinking a routine, ions are also moving and being constructed in the hippocampus and divers places in the brain: filaments of microtubules are forming into "bits" or "bytes" of memory, other ions are forming into synapses, dendrites, axons, and brain cells. All these formations are effects  of thinking mind (consciousness). As the mind thinks, raw materials (ions) are formed into parts of cells. This is the evidence that mind is above molecules or raw materials. The second law of biology can be broken by stressed "mind" through neural pathways, turning "on" or "off" gene or genes. This is how "new apps" are created inside the brain. This is also possibly how a continuously stressed organisms can produce split genes (from a single gene), making it new species of an organism. So, evolution is not by accident but by the certain type of strenuous stressed mind. Legged snakes can become leg-less snakes, or from serpents may come flying snakes, according to Genesis and prophet Isaiah. This is not a guide-less evolution, but changing of species brought by strenuously stressed mind, as the usual case when giant meteors hit the earth and brought catastrophes, and the reason why new species of organisms are imprinted on the melted rocks or stones, after asteroid or meteor devastations.
So, yes, mind is capable of doing or forming new "apps" in the organisms. 

Some say that genes are like language or code, but actually genes are more complicated than any language a human can invent and too distant more complicated than any advance super computer code can be invented by super genius human scientists to date. 
There is a way how to determine if something is designed or not. 
If the codes of genes are highly complicated specified, then they are designed. 
Let us get some ideas of the difference between a complex item and a complex specified item. 

1: a sequence of letters can be complex but not specified.

 " bdsahlknofjtwmevx."

2: a sequence can be specified but not complex. 


(like in the formation of crystals).

3: a sequence can be complex and specified.

"he works every day".

4: a sequence can be highly complex specified.

" by telescope we can see the opposite of what the microscope can see "

Genes of an organism are more highly complicated specified than this, which means the 


of them is using more complicated specified organizing mind. 

The biological language uses by the genes of an organism is too much super specified complex. It is not the complexity that makes it designed, rather its specified codes.

As we discovered, all of these are because of mind. There is a Cosmic Mind behind nature, and it was only later that men discovered that Creator. 
Before our ancestors discovered that Creator, they already worshiping any 'object of worship,' which is called 'god.' 
And it was only later when our ancestors worshipped the Creator, the God of gods.
Archaeology can prove god and gods, but not the Cosmic Creator. Archaeology can prove God of gods but not the Cosmic Creator. Why? Because a god is an object of worship, and no one can prove that the Creator is not an object of worship.

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