15 December, 2022


The secret of creation is revealed by Elihu in the book of Job and by other bible writers.

"He has made every thing beautiful in its time: also He has set

הָעֹלָם֙ [ha'olam]

in their heart, so that no man can find out the 


 that God makes from the beginning to the end." - Ecclesiastes 3:11

In this passage it seems that man can find out the 


 that God makes by finding the end from the beginning. That is, the "end" determines the "beginning."

"The secret things belong unto YHWH our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." - Deuteronomy 29:29

Science or revealed KNOWLEDGE found in nature is an evidence that there is the source of Knowledge.

" ... for YHWH is a God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed." - 1Samuel 2:3

" ... quoniam Deus scientiarum Dominus est et ipsi praeparantur cogitationes" -Latin Vulgata 

Daniel 1:4

"Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and



and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning ..." - Daniel 1:4 (KJV)

YHWH is the God of science (revealed knowledge). Needless to say, He is the Scientist behind creation.

The Bible reveals how God makes great things, and this revealed truth belongs to us humans.
And the revealed truth is that God makes great things by 

אֵ֣ל [ el ]

יַרְעֵ֤ם [ yar·‘êm ]

or God that thunders,

which is audible when expressed by lightning, and has incomprehensible knowledge. 


Job 37:1-7,10-11

"At this also my heart trembles, and is moved out of its place. 
Hear attentively the noise of His voice, and the sound that goes out of His mouth. 
He directs it under the whole heaven, and His lightning unto the ends of the land. 
After it a voice roars: He thunders with the voice of His excellency; and He will not stay them when His voice is heard.
God thunders 

marvellously with His voice; 

great things does He,

which we cannot comprehend. 
For He says to the snow, 
'Be thou on the earth;' 
likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of His strength. 
He seals up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work. 
By the 

breath of God

frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened. 
Also by watering He wears the thick cloud: He scatters His bright cloud" -Job 37:1-7,10-11

The secret of creation is in the thundering (vibrations) of God's voice that proceeds from His mouth.

"By the Word of YHWH were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the

Ruakh [Breath/Spirit]

of His mouth.
He gathers the waters of the sea together as an heap: He lays up the depth in storehouses. 
For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast." - Psalms 33:6-7,9

The universe is made by the WORD of YHWH that proceeded from His mouth. 

In the Bible, the meaning of "create" is "renew" (cf. Psalms 104:30).

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." -Psalms 51:10

Why "renew"? 

Because God did not and does not use "nothingness" ("inexistence") as the raw material to create: that is, God did not create "ex nihilo (out of nothing)," rather, according to the Bible, God creates out of the Father (Source of all things). Thus, the raw material to create is the power of God and not the "nothingness." 

"But to us there is but one God, the

Πατήρ [Patēr]

ἐξ [ ex ]
 out of

οὗ [hou]

τὰ πάντα [ta panta]
are all things,

 and we in Him ... " -1Corinthians 8:6

The biblical teaching is 

creatio ex Pater (creation out of the Father God
and not "creatio ex nihilo" (creation out of nothingness).

The Source of creation is not "nothingness" but God the Father. 
The raw material to create is the power or godhead (cf. Romans 1:20). And it is easy to prove. When we annihilate any thing, it will turn into power or energy and not into nothingness. Hence, energy cannot be created from nor it can be destroyed into nothingness. Obviously because it is not made of nothingness nor nothingness is its raw material.
Energy is the capacity of a body to do work. Energy is the only "work" that cannot be created from or destroyed into nothingness (inexistence). 
From the root 

"en-" ("in")
"ergos" ("to work"),

ENERGY simply means "work." Its Worker (Exerter) is also everlasting or cannot be created or destroyed. 

Proverbs 8:22-23


קָ֭נָנִי [ qā·nā·nî ] possessed/erected me

in the beginning of His way

קֶ֖דֶם [Kedem/east of] before



of old. 
I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was." - Proverbs 8:22-23

Proverbs 8:12, 22, 23 says that wisdom was erected or created east of YHWH's ancient performance (works). 

Jeremiah 10:10,12-13

"But YHWH is the true 

Elohim [Force/God], He is the

Elohim hayyim [living Force], 

and an everlasting governing Ruler: at His wrath the earth shall vibrate ... 
He has made the earth by 

His power

He has established the world by His wisdom, and has 

expanded [stretched out] the universe

by His discretion

When He utters His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causes the vapours to ascend from the ends of the land; He makes


with rain, and brings forth the wind out of His treasures." - Jeremiah 10:10,12-13

The secret of creation is in the lightning or jumping electrons.

The heavens of heavens or universe is zillion times bigger than human brain , but its stretching has an equivalent or counterpart known as "discretion" ("understanding"), according to prophet Jeremiah.

"He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has 

stretched out the universe

 by His understanding." -Jeremiah 51:15

The expanding or stretching of the heavens is not just mechanical, it has an effect: "understanding" (consciousness) or vice versa.
This simply means "EXISTENCE" has two faces: phenomenon (e.g. mechanical movements) and noumenon (e.g. understanding, consciousness or mental screen), and these two cannot be separated the way the two sides or faces of a coin cannot be separated. 

The best proof of it are the jumping electrons in the human brain ejected from neurons to nerves. Those tiny lightnings, in the range of molecular sizes, have mechanical as well as consciousness effect. If this is the case, and yes indeed it is the case, then the Bible is right in saying that we are all 



the way a living cell in the brain is inside the mind of that brain. 
This was how ancient men, including biblical men, thought of all things' existence. God is everywhere or movements of lightnings, thunders, winds, or nature are in a way under the permission of a Universal Mind, because that Mind is everywhere, the way human mind is everywhere in the human brain. To visualize it, think of a living blood cell wondering inside the brain. That living cell is inside the invisible mind, and can be affected by the tiny lightnings there known as electro-chemical impulses. Movements of those tiny lightnings there are not just mechanical, they have also counterpart mental activity

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he ..." -Proverbs 23:7

 Prophet Isaiah defines "thoughts" as "ways," and yes, human thoughts are devices or ways (usually made of nerves, dendrites, and other molecules). The deference between human thoughts and YHWH's thoughts is the length or distance.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9

The "ways" of YHWH are His "thoughts" and they are in the vastness of the heavens or universe.

The biggest lightning could be the gigantic Explosion (Mighty Thundering) that made the heavens.
 The smallest lightning on element is the movement of an ionic electron from one atom to another. This action will happen by the knowledge of YHWH. And thought or way is formed by this action.

"Who has put wisdom in the layers of clouds. Or has given understanding in the marvel of the sky." -Job 38:36

"Who has put wisdom in the clouds, or given understanding to the mists?" -RSV, Job 38:36

In Job 18:2 & 20:3, "bin" or "binah" ("understanding") is understood as having clear consciousness or discernment. Obadiah 1:7 uses תָּבוּן ("tebunah" from the root "binah") to mean "awareness," consciousness or understanding.
Although we cannot literally see in the brain the "understanding," but for sure the mists in synapses possess it. The fire or bombardment of signals from one brain cell to another produces great things, like realization, way (thought), memory and mind.

"God thunders marvelously with His voice, great things does He, which we cannot comprehend." - Job 37:5

In the Hebrew Scriptures, expanding or stretching of the universe has an equivalent effect: it results to production of "understanding" ("Consciousness") or discretion of YHWH. It means, by YHWH's consciousness (understanding/discretion), the universe is stretching out. 
That is, in stretching out of impulses of neurochemicals of dendrites of neurons, consciousness is the effect.

Needless to say, man is created in the image or likeness of God.
Knowing this biblical truth, we can discern the secret how living organisms are created. 

The secret of creation of living things is in the human brain, particularly in the hippocampus. Our "mind" the moment it routinely thinks, it creates new living brain cells by building molecules of amino acids, DNA, RNA, enzymes, actin, and myosin into microtubules, dentrites, axons, neurons, and synapses. 
Can active "mind" move molecules in neurons and brain? Definitely, yes. Mind can cause the emissions of tiny lightnings in synapses of the brain and those miniature lightnings are popularly known neurotransmissions

The effects of thinking "mind" are movements of biological molecules, and these movements are guided to form biological structure. Movements of biological molecules in brain have counterpart event: formation of mind or mental screen, which is not tangible. Formation of functioning biological structure (e.g. living cell) cannot be separated from the active "mind," as what the evidence in hippocampus or brain can show us. It is one action with double effects: formation of biological structure and projection of mind (mental screen). If the mind thinks, biological raw materials (molecules) form into functioning biological structure. And likewise, construction of biological raw materials into functioning structure forms or projects mind. 
 Scientists around the world independently proved that as long as human "mind" is active or consciously thinking, new living brain cells are created in hippocampus. Many laboratories around the globe extracted brain cells in persons died at the age of 40's to 97, and found out that new living brain cells are still formed in the hippocampus at the last moment of the dying persons. If "mind" is interrupted, like in the case of Alzheimer's, the formation of new living brain cells is hindered. 

Creation of new living brain cells is the effect of an active mind. As the mind thinks in the brain, "raw materials" (biological molecules) are constructed one by one to form microtubules, dendrites (branches), axons, synapses, and as a result new living cells (neurons). Formation of these new living cells is not by accident but by active mind.
Therefore, the very first living things were created by an active Cosmic Mind. 

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" -John 3:12

How do we know that the first living things were formed by a Cosmic Mind?

Simply: trace back the origin. We are tiny parts of the bigger Brain. All living organisms are "neurons" of the Cosmic Brain, the way human brain cells are neurons of human brain.
If we injected our skin cells or muscle cells inside our brain, those cells will be integrated and will function as brain cells. That is, inside brain, muscle cells can be converted into neurons by the activities of the mind, particularly by the activities of the fired miniature lightnings (neuro-electro-chemical impulses). This simply means that we, in fact, are all neurons, altered into another kind of cells.
 We got our cells from our parents, who also came from their parents, who were from their parents' parents, ad infinitum, and we can track back to the very first living things, whose formation was by the then active Cosmic Mind. Needless to say, the Cosmic Mind, which is popularly called "God," behind the universe is our Father or Parent.

Acts 17:24-26,28-29

"God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth... ...He gives to all life, and breath, and all things; And has made of 

one blood

all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 

in Him

we live, and move, and have our being; 

as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also 

His offspring

... as we are the offspring of God..." -Acts 17:24-26,28-29

We are not just figuratively offsprings of God, we are indeed His offsprings because it was His Mind who formed our ancestors. According to apostle Paul, our ancestors are all from one blood. And indeed, all organic living things are of one heme (molecule of blood), either plants or animals and humans. The Creator made one kind of "heme" for all kinds of living things. 

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