11 August, 2022


With the voluminous evidence, it is too difficult to write a linear history of exodus, and this is reflected in the >>> Part 1 of this article, and also in the very book of "Exodus" itself. 
We can summarize the previous article as follows:

*LATE BRONZE AGE COLLAPSE: detailed in Admonitions of Ipuwer (Egyptian 19th Dynasty papyrus), Elephantine stela of king Setnakhte, Papyrus Harris I (published by Rameses III & IV in 1155 BCE), Manetho, and Moses' description of the Israelite exodus.

*SHASU OF THE LAND OF YAHWEH: Kenite Kushite Midianites who lived in Makhtesh Ramon, in the field of Seir (Edom) east of Kadeshbarnea during the time of Rameses II. According to Merneptah (Papyrus Anastasi VI, 4.56: 1206 BCE), Shasu tribes, particularly those in the Negev, were relatives of Edomites.

*I AM WHO I AM : Moses popularized it again as likely versus king Seti's written enchantment.


*RAMESES II, from whom the geographic name "Raamses" and "Rameses" are derived. The pharaoh built the store-cities Pithom and Raamses in the 13th century BCE (Exo.1:11).

*PITHOM OF RAMESES: the store-city in Tel el-Retabeh, Wadi Tumilat, Egypt. This verified the claim of Moses that shortage of straw to make bricks for this granary city really happened.

*PI-RAMESSU: the capital city started to be built in 1278 BCE, and had become known in 1271 BCE to Syria-Palestine. Moses called this city "Raamses." It was built on a virgin ground not older than the palace of king Seti I (1290-1279 BCE). By this city, the region was also called after the name "Rameses." Moses wrote the original of "Genesis" when this "Rameses" was very popular as a geographic name.

*The pharaoh of Rameses was one of the Egyptian gods who was affected by the death of his firstborn son sitting on his throne (Num.33:2-5).

* Pharaoh's firstborn son sitting on the throne died in 1228 BCE. 

*STELE OF MOSE: King Rameses II erected this slab (a document) for the senior soldier who became well-known to the army & servants of the pharaoh after doing good for the pharaoh's favor. 


*Misery took place during the senile age of the great pharaoh, according to Ipuwer, in the time that Egyptians could not sail to Byblos and Caphtor, after Egyptians were plundered of their gold & silver by the desert people, after the river turned into blood, and pestilence attacked Egypt. All of these are mentioned in the PAPYRUS IPUWER.

* RAMESES MIRIAMUN: this became a toponym not only in Abu Simbel but also in a town in Syria during the time of Rameses the Great, whose stubbornness became epitome for Moses to derive the nickname of his eldest sibling, Miriam, to mean "rebellious."

*SHASU OF ARBAR: identified by Joshua & company as giant "Sheshai" of Arba, reported both by Hori and king Rameses II during the reign of Rameses the Great (1279-1213 BCE). Bad report of the 10 scouts about these giants had discouraged Israel, and hence Moses asked them to stay 40 years in the wilderness around Kadeshbarnea. Moses suggests that these Shasu of Arba (Hebron) were relatives of the descendants of Anak.

*KUSH-MESHUSHA (YAH-MESU): king in Alashiya whose naval forces had likely fought Suppiluliuma II between around 1209 & around 1205 BCE.

*"CURSE OF YAHWEH" LEAD TABLET: archaeologically dated 1400-1150 BCE found in the soil dug from the Joshua's altar in Mt. Ebal.

*QISHON OF JABIN: king Rameses II (1279-1213) listed it with its neighborhood Kerumin (Kedumim) and Hadaseth (Harosheth) which was replaced by the "Band of Deborah," according to the geographic list of king Rameses III (1186-1155 BCE) during the time of Qusanurama (Chushan-risathaim). 

*CONFEDERATION OF WESHESH (Asherites), DENYEN (Danites), SHAKARES (Issacharites), PELESET (Philistines), and TJEKRU.

Issacharites, the tribe that was acquainted with the seasons, probably by looking on the stars and other celestial objects (1Chron. 12:32-33), became active in sailing, and one of the tribes first to be member in what Merneptah called "Sea Peoples."

King Merneptah informs us that ...

" The wretched [chief] of Libya has invaded with ---, being men and women, 
S'-k-rw-s (Issachar) --- ."  (Cairo column, dated 18th March - 16th April, 1209 BCE)

Moses gives their two major rules:

"They shall call the people unto the mountain;... for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas,..." -Deuteronomy 33:19

It was the Hittite king Suppiluliuma II (1207 -c.1190 BCE) who, in his letter to the Ugarit king Ammurapi, confirmed that these Shikalayu (Issacharites) were involved in maritime activities, saying:

"And I, His Majesty, had issued him an order concerning Ibnadushu, whom the people from Shikala who lived on ships had abducted, to bring him to me. I shall question him about the affairs of Shikala, and then he can set out again for Ugarit." - Hittite Great King, RS 34.129 (RSO 7,12)

Judging by his name, Ibna-dushu could be a man from Hazor. He was kidnapped by Shikala (Shakares/Issacharites), and this time Suppiluliuma II was asking little boy Ammurapi to extradite Ibna-dushu to him for an interrogation about the Shikala sailors, who are living in ships. The prisoner (Ibnadushu) fled from the captors.
This gives us geographic location of these Shikalayu (Issacharites) on the sea between Cyprus, Ugarit, and Dor in 1207 BCE. Lydian historian Xanthus reported that Moxos (Moses) was leading Lydians and operating in Phoenicia (Asher).
Hence the complain of Ipuwer that Egyptians could " not sail northward to Byblos today ... as far as Caphtor ..." was happening in actuality. 

Why they could not sail to Byblos and Cyprus? According to king Suppiluliuma II, there were men of ships of Alashiya who were fatally fighting Hittites. These Hittites were allies of Egypt, and in fact both king Rameses and Merneptah sent helps for them to survive the famine in the region.
 The leader of Alashiya this time was Kush-Meshusha (Yah-Moses).

In 1209 BCE, Shakares (Issacharites) were involved in a well remembered attack of Sea Peoples, and 222 Shakarus (Issacharites) were killed by king Merneptah. Merneptah reported too that 

" jk'w'sh' " (Akwashe/Asher),

"twrsha" (Thracian-Troas-Santorini) , 

Lukka  (Rukkath), 

Sherden, and 

"sh'-kh-r-sh' " (Shakaris /Issachar) 

came from all northern lands. And they landed on Libya by ships "from the foreign lands of the sea" (Karnak inscription, lines 1, 52). These fighters of Asher, Dan, Dor, Issachar, Tyre or Byblos (Sherden), Rukkath, and Mediterranean Ocean were called "hornet" by Moses to cut off the connection of Amorites, Hittites, Perrizites,  Canaanites, Gueans (Hivites), and Jebusites, and to drive out Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites.

"For mine Messenger shall go before you, and bring you in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. And I will send


 before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before you. I will not drive them out from before you in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against you. By 

little and little I will drive them out

 from before you, until you be increased, and inherit the land. And I will set your bounds from the yam suph [reeds' sea] even unto the sea of the Phelistim [Philistines], and from the desert unto the River: for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand; and you shall drive them out before you." -Exodus 23:23,28-31

King Rameses II conceived this treacherous act even decades before it would have materialized.


King of Rameses learned the possibility that his subject foreigners would join with his enemy. The magnitude of the force was so tremendous that he was triggered to build weapon factories at high speed, and starting in 1278 BCE he had been building Pi-Rameses, the best city ever imagined by then people. 
Giant Shasu in Canaan or Syria were one of the first to abhor Egyptians and offered their service for the Hittite king to be spies against the pharaoh. Fighters of Naharin (Aram-Mitanni), of Lukka (either Rukkath or ancient Lycians), of Carchemish king Sahurunuwash, of Uragit king Niqmepa, of Kadesh king Niqmaddu, Trojan (Wilusa) king Oiyama-Inarash together with the ally Drdny (Dardania), and of the Arzawa (Ephesus) fighters likely under the influence of "king" Priam (fl.1279-1226? BCE) took their side with the Hittites, as obviously they did not want Egyptian suzerainty. Fighters of Keshkesh, Masa, Pidasa, and of the land of Karkisha, of Irun, of Inesa, Mushanet, Khaleb, Kizzuwadna, Nuges, and entire land of Kedy were with Hittite king concealing behind Kadesh the Old.

Mose, being in military service this time, was possibly one of the captains or even probably the head of the generals to lead the pharaoh's troops. Why we think of this possibility? 

Around 1228 BCE king Rameses II awarded this Mose as a senior military officer who had done best for the pharaoh's favor. Moses was around 80 years old in 1229 BCE, and became one of the best military leaders. Some of what he had learned or employed in Rameses' favor during the 1270s BCE were also done during the exodus of Israel (1229-1189 BCE). 

If Mose was the designer of the Battle Compound of king Rameses II during 1275 BCE, then there is no surprise why the Tabernacle of YHWH was resembling the major arrangements of that compound at Kadesh as what we can see on the depiction  sketched by the pharaoh on the wall of the temple at Abu Simbel that accompany the Kadesh Poem. 

Exodus 15:1-2,4,6-7,13-16
"Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto YHWH ... 

 He has triumphed gloriously: ...
YHWH is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation: He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt Him. Pharaoh's chariots and his host has He cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Reeds' Sea. 
Thy right hand, O YHWH, is become glorious in power: ... 
And in the greatness of thine excellency Thou hast overthrown them that rose up against Thee: Thou sentest forth Thy wrath, which consumed them as chaff. 
Thou in Thy mercy hast led forth the people which Thou hast redeemed: Thou hast guided them in Thy strength unto

 Thy holy habitation. 

The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of 

 Then the 
dukes of Edom
 shall be amazed; the

   אֵילֵ֣י  [elle]
mighty men 

of Moab

trembling shall take hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away. 
Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; till Thy people pass over, O YHWH, till the people pass over, which Thou hast purchased." -Exodus 15:1-2,4,6-7,13-16


In Moses' description of YHWH's Temple, there are holy tent and innermost holy of holies, where are the two winged cherubims upon the Ark which resemble the receiving tent & Rameses' throne tent, in which are two winged falcons. Worshipers are in the receiving tent, worshipping the pharaoh. 

In the king's chamber, two falcons spread their wings protectively over the symbol (cartouche) of the Pharaoh, just as two cherubim are spreading their wings protectively over the Ark of the Covenant (Exo. 25:21).

In YHWH's Tabernacle, worshippers are worshipping outside while the high priest is inside the innermost holy of holies officiating the rite.

After the Battle of Kadesh, Rameses' troops, probably under the guide of Mose, returned to survey the corpses of the enemies. With this accomplishment, they made a victory hymn for the king mentioning his name, his strong arm, and tribute to the king as the source of their strength and salvation. These acts were what also had done by the Hebrews after passing the yam suph (Reeds' Sea): they surveyed the Egyptian corpses and made the Song of the Sea, a hymn of praise offered to the God YHWH. This song contains many motifs similar to those found in the hymn of praise by Rameses' troops. It seems that the original author of Rameses' troops' hymn was either the same author of the hymn to YHWH or very knowledgeable to what had sung after the Battle of Kadesh.

Joshua Berman, a professor of Bible at Bar-Ilan University, concluded:

"The fact that the Kadesh poem retained such currency throughout biblical Israel suggests that the book of Exodus preserves the memory of a moment when these Israelites were relieved from Ramesses II’s subjugation."

Moses partly corroborated his conclusion in the following passage:

Numbers 33:2-7

"And Moses wrote their journeys by the commandment of YHWH: ...
And they departed from Rameses on the 15th day of the 1st month; on the day after the Passover the descendants of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. For the Egyptians buried all their firstborn, which YHWH had smitten among them: upon their gods also YHWH executed judgments. 
And the descendants of Israel removed from Rameses, and camped at Succoth. They left Succoth, and camped in Etham, which is in the edge of the wilderness. 
And they removed from Etham, and returned to Pihahiroth, which is before Baalzephon: and they pitched before Migdol." -Numbers 33:2-7

According to Moses' journal, which is quoted by the writer of the book of Numbers, they left Rameses and made several stations to Succoth, Etham (wall facing Shur), then traveled back to Pihahiroth (Precinct of Avaris), on front of Baalzephon, before erecting their camp in Migdol of Seti. All these geographic names were known during the time of king Rameses II (1279-1213 BCE), specifically "Baalzephon" that is mentioned in Papyrus Sallier written in around 1225 BCE, very near to the death of the firstborn son of Rameses in 1228 BCE. 


King Rameses II boastfully claimed that he gave silver and other valuable things to Mose, and in one belief this act may mean a form of gratitude or pay to fight for the king, as such act is also described by his scribes (Amenemone & Pentwere) in 1271 BCE in the Kadesh Poem:

"He had left no silver in his land. He had stripped it of all its possessions and had given them to all the foreign countries in order to bring them with him to fight."

What he had not conceived is that for Moses this was a form of preparation so that Israel would not be empty-handed people during their journey to the wilderness of Makhtesh Ramon. And the adverse effect, Ipuwer reported that "gold ... silver ... are strung on the necks of the female slaves... the palace is despoiled ... gold is lacking ..." (Admonitions of Ipuwer 3:2-5)

Why scribe Ipuwer was complaining that Egypt was lacking gold and the palace was despoiled? 

Moses gives us the hint. In making sanctuary: Hebrews offered 1,424 kilograms of gold. And each of the 598 men offered about 203 kilograms of silver. This amount is very emptying, leaving the Egyptian wealth empty, and for king Rameses the Great this gift silver is worth mentioning on the document (Stele of Mose) he erected in Pi-Rameses.

Moses might have learned the lesson how to have foreigners as his combatants, and that is exactly what king Setnakhte reported that the troop of Yar-su (Moses), after plundering silver, gold and other valuable things from Egyptians, had planned to use those moneys to pay leaders in Canaan against Egyptians. 

"... The troublemakers [were] leaving behind 



and [ ...precious materials in ] 
ta-Mery (Egypt). They had those paid to the Asiatics of the leaders of Egypt to attract them as combatants. [...]. ' - Setnakhte, Elephantine stela, line 9


Moses, in Exodus 15:14-15, has categorically mentioned פְּלָֽשֶׁת (Peleset), referring to the dwelling place of Peleset (Philistines) in Philistia. His contemporary, king Rameses III (1186-1155 BCE), confirmed his usage of "Peleset" as one of the lands in Syria-Palestine, to be specific as the land Philistia, when the pharaoh reported about his confederation.

" ... their confederation was
Peleset [Philistia],
Tjeker [Dor],
Shakarus [Issachar],
Denyen [Dan], and
Weshesh [Asher], 
lands united. " -Great Inscription on the 2nd pylon Medinet Habu (right side), cf. ANET 1969, 262, 3rd ed.

King Rameses III, who was 27 years old when Moses died (1189 BCE), had personally encountered the troops of Yar-su (Moses) and even named the captives: Shakares (Issacharites), Denyen (Danites), Weshesh (Asherites), Tjeker (Dor), and Peleset (Philistine ancestors). In his official report, he verified that "Peleset" was a land where Philistines lived during the time of Moses' confederation.

And Moses has made mentioned that Edom during their exodus had had  אַלּוּפֵ֣י   "alluphe" ("dukes" or chieftains), which was partly confirmed by king Merneptah in 1206 BCE by saying the "tribes of Edom." Moses identified the title of the leaders of Moab as  אֵילֵ֣י   "elle" (rams, mighty ones). King Rameses II (1279-1213 BCE) partly corroborated the military activity of Moab on the first historical mention of "Moab" in Topographical List XXII, series d-10 at Temple of Luxor. 
All of these are clearly suggesting that Moses' exodus took place during the latter part of reign of king Rameses the Great, specifically after the death of the pharaoh's firstborn son in 1228 BCE.

Even the practice of registering the dates and people's number, the coming in and coming out of the shepherds in Migdol, by wall (Etham) of Shur, and Succoth was common in the 13th century BCE.


The month given of their Passover was called "Abib," Hebrized vocalization of the borrowed Egyptian term that later transliterated into "Epip."

In Exodus 12:6 & 13:4 Moses is giving us hint that they were in month Abib during the Day 14 of his calendar. And historically he is correct because Egyptian calendar that month started on April 22-23, which corresponds to Epip 1.

Full moon, Wednesday, Epip 2 or April 23 was Moses' Abib 14 (the Jewish tradition Nisan 13), 1229 BCE.

 In Egyptian calendar this was Shmw III or 3rd month of Shemu (Harvest Season) called more anciently as Ipt-Hmt, with unknown meaning. To alter its meaning away from Egyptian, Hebrews defined it based on the phrase " barley was in the abib [head]," in which "abhib" means "a time of year where grains come into ear," by extension "spring" (cf. Exodus 9:31).

Moses borrowed the Egyptian style of counting the months, but changed the number of the days by naming full moon as "yah" to mean "moon" and numerically "15" and changed the ordinal of the months  by making "Abib" as the first month, instead. Needless to say, Abib 15 means "Abib Yah," or the feast of Yah on the full moon day.

He said...

"They departed from Rameses in the 1st month, on the 15th day of the first month; on the day after the Passover the descendants of Israel went out with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians." -Numbers 33:3

"This day came ye out in the month Abib. 
Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and in the 7th day shall be a feast to YHWH." - Exodus 13:4,6

And Moses made this Abib to be the beginning of the months.

Exodus 12:2-3,5,11-12,15,17-18

"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. 
... In the 10th day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: 
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the 1st year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: 
And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is YHWH's Passover. 
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am YHWH. 
Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the 1st day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses ... And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever. 
In the 1st month, on the 14th day of the month at evening, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the 21st day of the month at evening." -Exodus 12:2-3,5,11-12,15,17-18


The first batch of these armies were groups of 50, about 600 elef. 

"But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the 

yam suph [Reeds' Sea]: 

and the descendants of Israel went up 
[armed in groups of 50]

 out of the land of Egypt." -Exodus 13:18

"And the descendants of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about 



footpersons, beside children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle." --Exodus 12:37-38

Since it is excepting "children," then it may imply that the 600 elef refers to any military persons, in fact Moses called them "ha'am" (the people). 

"And Moses said, The people, among whom I am, are 600 elef footpersons; and You have said, I will give them flesh, that they may eat a whole month." -Numbers 11:21

That the first batch was around 600 elef is evident in the counter force sent by the king of Rameses to recapture them. 

"And he took 600 chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains over every one of them. 
And YHWH hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the descendants of Israel: and the children of Israel went out with an high hand. 
But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baalzephon." -Exodus 14:7-9

The chosen chariots of Rameses this time were 600, and when they followed the path of the Hebrews, they saw them encamping by the El Sied Pond (yam suph) near Pihahiroth (Precinct of Avaris) west of the wilderness of Shur.
Scientists excavated stables with small cisterns located adjacent to each of the estimated 460 horse tether points in Pi-Rameses.

The population of Rameses this time was around 300,000. 
According to Moses, Israel was smaller than other countries with regards to population.

"YHWH did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people." -Deuteronomy 7:7


"And Moses numbered, as YHWH commanded him, all the firstborn among the children of Israel. 
And all the 


males by the number of names, from a month old and upward, of those that were numbered of them, were 22 elef, and 273." -Numbers 3:42-43

The population of the firstborn sons of Israel from one month of age and up was
22 elef, 273 persons,

giving us a hint that at least there were  273 families, if each of these "bekor" (eldest son) refers to each family..

Moses explicitly gave the number of the Hebrew firstborn sons as 273. And this is confirmed by the shekels he received from them.

1,365 shekels
÷ 5 shekels each firstborn 
273 firstborn sons 

Each of this firstborn was redeemed by 5 shekels, and Moses had received 1,365 shekels.

"And for those that are to be redeemed of the 273 of the firstborn of the children of Israel, which are more than the Levites; 
Thou shalt even take 5 shekels apiece by the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them... 
Of the firstborn of the children of Israel took he the money; a 1,365 shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary" --Numbers 3:46-47,50

The population of the Levite firstborn sons was fewer than that total number.

 "All that were numbered of the Levites, which Moses and Aaron numbered at the commandment of YHWH, throughout their 


 all the males from a month old and upward, were 22 elef." -Numbers 3:39

This gives us idea that the "22 elef" in Numbers 3:43 may refer to the Levite firstborn sons, whereas the "273" refers to other tribes' firstborn sons.


The listed armies of Israel  in 1227 BCE (April 29-30) are the following:

A) 46 elef + 500 Reubenites.

B ) 59 elef + 300 Simeonites.

C) 45 elef + 650 Gadites.

D) 74 elef + 600 Judites.

E) 54 elef + 400 Issacharites.

F) 57 elef + 400 Zebulonites.

Joseph's sons:
G) 40 elef + 500 Ephraimites.

H) 32 elef + 200 Manassehites;

I ) 35 elef + 400 Benjaminites.

J) 62 elef + 700 Danites.

K) 41 elef + 500 Asherites

L) 53 elef + 400 Naphtalites.

= 598 elef + (5 elef + 550 Hebrews)

The summary of these figures given by Moses in Numbers 1:20-46 is:

598 elef, 5550.

To total it,

603 elef, 550.

How do we know that 5 men of the 5,550 are elef? We know this because Moses summarized all in all elef to be 603 BCE.
To be specific Moses after the census of 30th April, 1227 BCE says:

"... lases-meot (for 600)

elef (head frontliner)

u-sheloshet (and 3)

elephim (heads)

wa-hamesh meot (and 500)

wa-hamissim (& 50)." - Exodus 38:26

The first batch was 598 elef, or according to the round off of Moses in Exodus 12:37 is "ABOUT 600 elef." The second batch, the multitude that mixed with them, from Succoth, Etham, and Pihahiroth was 5,550 - five of which were elef, plus the not numbered women and little children which may total to tens of thousands.

This figure suggests that the more or less 400 families have an average of 15 children per family.

That ancient counting system used by Israelites is retained in 1Samuel 6:19 when the writer did not change it into newer counting system.

"wa-yak ba'am  (And He struck of the people)
sibim ish (70 male humans),
hamissim elef (50 eleph)
ish (male humans)..." -1Samuel 6:19

During the time of Deborah (fl. 1208-1189 BCE) and Joshua (1248-1138 BCE), the population of Israelite active frontline military fighters was about 40 elef (Joshua 4:13, Judges 5:8). How many men that each of these elef supervised, we don't know. But Moses used groups of 50, whereas Danites adopted the Philistine system, of military unit of 600, so that each of the 12 tribes could contribute at least 50 fighters (cf. Judges 3:31, 18:11,16,17, 20:47).

All of these figures confirmed the claim of Moses that Israel in his time was the fewest people among other countries.


Moses was kept in telling that YHWH hardened the heart of the Pharaoh. 


Because, the father of the pharaoh of Rameses died probably by a hardening of the heart, that is, by a cardiac arrest at 40's. 

This "king of Egypt," the father of Rameses, died in 1279 BCE (cf. Exo. 2:23). Seti's heart was placed on the right part of his body instead of on the usual left side during mummification.

Besides of the well known claim of king Rameses the Great that his heart is like the mountain of copper (volcano of Makhtesh Ramon).

"Brings home his followers, rescues his soldiers,
With a heart that is like a mountain of copper:
The King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usermare-setepenre,
The Son of Re, Rameses Meriamun,
Given life forever like Re." -Kadesh Poem

Another possible striking reason why Moses was reiterating that the heart of the pharaoh has hardened was to reduce the hope of the pharaoh to pass on the weighing scale of Maat. In the Papyrus of Hunefer (c. 1275 BCE), scribe Hunefer's heart is being weighed on the scale of Maat against the feather of truth by Anubis, while Thoth, the god scribe, is recording the result. If the heart is equal to the weight of the feather, Hunefer is allowed to pass the afterlife; but if not, then deadly crocodile, lion, and hippopotamus would eat him. 
Moses was, in effect, using then current belief against the pharaoh, that is, the belief that the pharaoh's heart could not pass the weight of justice and righteousness.


In 1227 BCE, Moses asked Hebrews to wear garments with "chichit" (forelocks of hair) or "tassels."

"Speak unto the descendants of Israel, and bid them that they make them 


in the borders of their garments throughout their generations,..." -Numbers 15:38

In the 39th year of exodus, Moses modified this order and said:

"You shall make 


 upon the 4 quarters of your vesture, wherewith you cover yourselves." -Deuteronomy 22:12

In this command, Moses was applying what was found in the lower garments of Shakares (Issacharites), Shasu [of Yahweh], and Denyen (Danites), gedilim or "twisted threads" should be put on the 4 corners of the vesture.

Hori, an army writer, gives the reason why they have to wear an Asiatics tassel-bearing dress:

 " Came two Shasu from the tribes of Shasu .... He takes what is left and joined the (ranks of) wretched. He mingles with the tribes of Shasu land and disguises himself as those Aamu (Asiatics)." - Hori (fl. c. 1207 - c. 1170 BCE), Papyrus Anastasi I, column 23, lines 7-8

Egyptian scribe Hori said they have to disguise as Aamu (Asiatics) to mingle with the tribes of Shasu. But besides that accusation, Moses was with the Kenite Kushite Midianites known to king Rameses the Great as "Shasu of the Land of Yahweh" who were clans of the Shasu tribes of Edom. 

King Rameses III confirmed that like Shasu warriors, Shakarus (Issacharites) and Denyen (Danites) were also wearing lower garments that have tassels. This may mean that the tribes of Israel directly related to Aamu (Asiatics) and Shasu were the Issacharites and Danites. 

King Rameses III officially reported that Yar-su (Yah-Mesu) was an outsider "wer" (Great), implying that Moses was an emperor the way Rameses or Hittite king was "Great King" of many countries. Or that Moses was the leader of the confederation of Mediterranean, as Wed-Wer (Great Green) was then the name for the ocean from Cyprus to Sardinia.

The title "wer" ("Great") for Mediterranean Ocean was known among Egyptians. Vizier Rekhmire (c.1425 BCE) describes its extent by saying: 

" kftjw (Caphtorites)
jww (and islands)
hrj-jb (in the midst of) 
wed-wer (Great Green)." - TT100

The islands here refer to those of Sardinia & those around Santorini, whereas Keftiw (Caphtor) refers to Cyprus.

King Rameses III, on a document published on April 9, 1155 BCE, clearly described why Yar-su (Moses) was "wer " ("Great"), and it was because of subduing land abroad formerly belonged to Egypt and that Yar-su's troops were subduing territories in Azawa or Lydia, Hittite land, Emar, Kadesh, Lebanon, and Syria-Palestine. 

king Rameses III in his inscription (Papyrus Harris I. 75, 3-6) says that the people of the land belonging to Egypt were now  following only 

"Su" [Mesu],

as their GREAT (chief), and that they were recognizing deities as ordinary as humans, and they did not make offerings into the temples.

One thing is for sure in history, that ships of Alashiya were fighting the Hittite king Suppilliuma (1207 BCE) thrice, and that the ruler of Alashiya that time was likely Kush-Meshusha (Yah-Moses). This is corroborated by the official report of king Rameses III that during the time of Queen Tausert (fl. 1203-1189 BCE) Yar-su or Yah-Mesu (Moses of Yah) were plundering the land abroad. Historiographer Xanthus (FGrH765 F 17) seems to confirm it by reporting that Muksus (Moxos) was leading Lydians and campaigning in Phoenicia (Asher). Before 1208 BCE a military unit of Philistines shored in the region and likely was wrong-encountered by Shamgar Ben-Anath. The archaeological site of these Philistines is still located in Asher, specifically one mile from Kanah where they left pictographs that are still seen today. 
Their Luwian-speaking counterpart in Kue (Cilicia Pedias) identified themselves as 


named after the well-known sailor warriors Denyen (Danites), and they traced the founder of their dynasty as a certain seer or prophet named

 "Moxos" (Muksus),

 a variant form of the name 

"Mesusa" (Moses). 

Kue was under the rulership of some Sea Peoples after the fall of the Hittite empire in 1189 BCE, 

A place there was described by Pliny the Elder (Natural History, 5.22) as 

"free city of Mopsos", 

which was later called "Mopsuestia." And this gives us an idea that  prophet Moxos in 13th century BCE was involved in liberation of city or he founded a dynasty for liberating people.
Moses implenting the no pig policy very near to the Danites and other Israelites, Peleset (Philistine ancestors) respected the ordinance that based on the 6,000 animal bones being found and scientifically examined (sponsored by the European Research Council) in Beth Shemesh stratum III (12th - 11th century BCE) where Canaanite carpenters, Peleset potters (foreparents of Philistines), and Joshua's Israelites had lived together, there was a completely avoidance, says Dr. Meirav Meiri. Additional support to this, is the archaeological and biomaterial evidence that there was too much low pig consumption in the 13th - 12th century BCE Canaanite places of Ashkelon (4%), Ekron (8%), Rimmon (3%), Timnath (5%), and Lachis (1.8%) at the same time when Philistines were sojourning in those places.
 To our surprise, people in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey during that time were eating porks, of pigs imported from the Middle East, as the gene type of those pig bones reveals in the laboratory.

This studies partly support the biblical report that YHWH has freed Philistines from Caphtor (Cyprus) and that Moses allowed the Caphtorim to live in Gaza. In fact, Philistines were allowed to live in Ekron and Ashkelon were Danites were also living. 
Unlike Danites, who stopped their journey in the Pelasgian territories, the Asherites and Issacharites together with the Lukka and Sherden continued to sail from Atlas' ocean to Libya and there they were hired by Meryey son of Dedy, the king of Libu, to be fighters against Egyptians.

According to the long-year counting of Critias (460 BCE),

 9,000 years ÷ 12 = 750 short-counting,

or in 1210 BCE, as

"... it is related in our records how once upon a time your State stayed the course of a mighty host, which, starting from a distant point in the ocean of Atlantis, was insolently advancing to attack the whole of Europe, and Asia [Asuwa] to plunder. For the ocean there was at that time navigable; for in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya [Libu] and Asia [Assuwa] together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. For all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of Atlas (Talsa) there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over all the island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent." -Timaeus, and also Solon (c.590 BCE) as they were quoted by Plato (359 BC)

This is positively identified by king Rameses III as the confederation of Peleset (Philistine ancestors), Tjeker (Sikel-Dor), Weshesh (Asherites), Denyen (Danites), and Shakarus (Issacharites). These were the troops of Yar-su (Moses) who circumnavigated the world, from Northern land of Syria-Palestine to Mediterranean to Cornwall, England to Libya back to the Levant. They were the successor of the Assuwa confederation and became known to Merneptah as Sea Peoples of the confederation of Tursha, the "Talsa" in probably Sonchis' report that was transliterated by Solon (638-558 BCE) as "Atlas." They started their conspicuous activities after the death of Herakles in circa 1226 BCE in Tyre and made their base abroad in Kaptara, Hebrew for Pillar, called for Caphtor in Cyprus.

The territories where the Sea Peoples sojourned were described by king Rameses III as the land or coastland of Denyen (Dan) and Peleset (Philistia), and the pharaoh acquired them when he defeated them for a while. 

" I extended all the frontiers of Egypt and overthrew those who attacked them from their lands. I slew the 

Denyen (Danites) in their islands/coastal areas, 
while the Tjekker and the Philistines were made ashes. The Sherden and the Weshesh of the Sea were made non-existent, taken captive all together and brought in captivity to Egypt like the sands of the shore. I settled them in strongholds bound in my name. Their military classes were as numerous as 


I assigned portions for them all with clothing and provisions from the treasures and granaries every year." - Rameses III, Papyrus Harris I, column 76, lines 6-9

" I made the lands turn back... they are burned up.  ... I have not allowed the foreign countries to (even) look at 
Egypt's frontiers;...
 I have taken away their land, 
their frontier being added to my own. 
Their chiefs and their clans are mine in praise... I have overthrown the Asiatics (Aamu) in their lands; ... I have shielded Egypt... The foreign lands.... devastated at one time, their trees and their peoples having become ashes. They take counsel with themselves,... " - Ramesses III 1179 BCE, Medinet Habu inscription

Here Rameses III describes that the frontiers of Egypt were near the islands of Denyen (Danites), and the land of Philistines, and he claimed that he added the enemies' (Danites, Peleset's) frontier into his own frontiers. He claimed that he massacred the Danites. He also mentioned that he turned the Peleset (Philistines) into ashes, and he captured the Sherden and Weshesh and brought them into the "strongholds" in Egypt and possibly made them as his mercenaries and slaves.

All these disturbances that resulted to the Late Bronze Age Collapse was, according to the pharaoh, started during the latter years of king Rameses II (1229 BCE) when Yar-su (Moses) plundered Egypt and taught the people not to recognize Egyptian gods as superior than humans.

" The land belonging to Egypt was abandoned abroad, and disloyalty was in every man because they had no chief-spokesman for many years at the beginning [of the decline of Rameses II] until the time of others [Merneptah & Seti II] when the land belonging to Egypt was formerly under [our] mayors and city-rulers; 
one [i.e. Amenmesses] was killed, his successor [i.e. Siptah] was a dignitary of wretches. Another [i.e. Queen Tausert] after him was in empty years,


a Kharu [Horite state of Seir],

with them acted as [outsider] GREAT [chief ], 
making the 
entire land 
serving him alone, 
and he joined his dependants in plundering their properties, and he treated gods as just like humans, that no man was presenting offerings inside the temple." - King Rameses III, Harris Papyrus I, 75, lines 3-6

Moses became great leader in Sinai (Makhtesh Ramon) in Seir in the field of Edom as the border of Kadesbarneah. He converted there 10,000s kodesh to worship YHWH during his latter year.

"And he said, YHWH came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; He shined forth from Mt. Paran, and He came with 10,000s of kodesh [saints]: from His right hand went a fiery law for them. 
Moses commanded us a law, even the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob. 
And he was king in Jeshurun, when the heads of the people and the tribes of Israel were gathered together." - Deuteronomy 33:2,4-5

Thus, in history he was known as a "Kharu" or chief of the Horite state in Seir, where heads of people and of the tribes of Israel met as his subjects. For this possible reason why Seir became a military target for king Rameses III.

Their troop was described poor people by the pharaoh corroborating the report of Ipuwer. 

Setnakhte's priest of Amun, says:

"the idols and ancestors' and royal images broken and fallen, destroyed in the temple's court, by the hands of poor people..." 

(1186 BCE Quartz Stela of Bakenkhonsu)

The troop of Yar-su (Yah-Mesu) destroyed Egyptian temple's court during the time of king Setnakhte (1190-1186 BCE).

The extant physical evidence of their destruction are what we can still see in Timna Valley, Edom in a place known to Egyptians "Atika" and to Hebrews "Athak." They destroyed the shrine of Hathor there and defaced the idols of Hathor. That Temple was built by king Seti I when he discovered its mining sites.

Queen Tausert concealed about this area to Setnakhte, as Rameses III reveals that

"... to the land of 
 to the great copper mines which are there. ... It had

 not been heard of 

 since the kings [earlier than me]. Their mines were found and yielded copper which was loaded by tens of thousands into their ships, ..." (Papyrus Harris I, column 78, lines 1-4)


The military campaigns of Seti I in 1290 BCE which he titled " Uhem-mesut" ('New Dynasty) may have led him to discover copper mining at Athak (Timna Valley) in Edom. 
He decided that it is better to do a battle now after his informant reported that the chiefs of Shasu tribes were planning to kill the Aamu of Kharu (Horites of Seir) and disregarding the palace laws. He had also captured many Khetans different from usual Hittites he encountered. These Khetans could be from Lukka land. 
Now, he might have used the men of Edom to bring copper to Avaris in Egypt. And with this incident those "Midianites" might have encountered Caphtorites or Mycenaean products, e.g., pottery. Of course, Rameses II, his son, who was also with him during his battles, might have learned the copper mining and become interested, too, on it. 
Nevertheless, the pottery of "Midianites" and of Mycenaean Caphtorites are similar in some features because of sharing potters.

If his Kheta captives were Lukkans, then this could be the first time Lukka and Shasu met in Egypt as prisoners.
Tudhaliya IV (1235-1209 BCE) was mentioning two Lukkan groups, as being members of the Assuwa confederation: namely, "Lugga" and "Warsiya."
 Assuwa could be what Saite priest Sonkhis known to Greek Solon as "Asia [Minor]." This Assuwa was a league of 22 Anatolian states in 1370 BCE to oppose Hittites. Its successor was called Arzawa, and during the time of Moses was called Tursha (Talsa, Atlas).
Warsiya Lukka, which could be connected to Therasia (Atlantis), was identified by Alexander of Troy as rebellious against the Hittite throne. These Lukkans rejected tyrannic rulership of the Hittites on their land.
And the different Khetans (Hittites) that king Seti I (1290 BCE) had encountered could be the fugitives headed by king Priam (Grecized of the name "Piyamaradu"), who formerly subdued Wilusa (Troy) and caused trouble to its king, Alaksandu (Alexander). 

This Priam appeared again during an uprising in the Lukka Land. The Lukka rebels asked help from Tawagalawa, a high Ahhiyawan (Achaean) official,  who would take them by ship at Millawanda, but when king Hattusili III (1267-1235 BCE) had to arrive, Priam (c. 1236 BCE) escorting the rebels took the advantage to be a negotiator, asking a kingdom "on the spot" in exchange of the refugees. When the negotiation failed, Priam and the 7,000 fugitives escaped, apparently, to  islands. Some of them probably reached Karphatos island, Therasia (Santorini), and Crete, and the Lukka who reached the seashore of Egypt were captured by king Rameses II.  We are not sure if this "Priam" was the same "Piram" who became king of Jarmuth before 1209 BCE and was mentioned in Joshua 10:3.
But this gives us hint why the legitimate "king" of Troy, Priam, became involved in influencing the other faction of Troy to abhor Hittites and Egyptians. Because Hittite king deposed him and a puppet was his substitute. This gave them opportunity to meet their interest with the Ekwesh (Asherites) who that time was ordered by Moses to destroy Hittite-antagonists.

The Midianites who lived between Tell Masos and Makhtesh Ramon were employed in Athika (Timna Valley, Edom) as Kenites or smitters and had business connections with the traders of eastern people.

The evidence of the presence of the "Midianites" in the area are the beautifully decorated pottery and metal jewelry they have left.
Researchers have petrographically discovered that their Midianite wares have originated from Qurayya, in Saudi Arabia in the region near Mecca, hence they are called Qurayya Painted Wares (QPW). Standard Egyptian chronology dated them between 1290 and 1152 BCE (Rosenberg and Glass 1983, 100). This gives us an understanding that "Midianites" and "Mycenaean people" had social contact as early as the time of king Seti I, and possibly intermarriages happened between them, giving reason why Caphtorites (Peleset), Tjekker, and probably Sherden were interrelated to Midianites, who were connected to Moses by his wife and father-in-law. King Rameses III says that the workers (Midianites) of Atakh in Timna Valley had ships that could transport men and mining products. 
Herodotus (440 BCE) wrote that the ancestors of Phoenecians (i.e. Asherites) and Israelites dwelt on the shores of the Erythraean Sea before crossing from that Sea and migrating to the Mediterranean by adventurous long voyages, and freighting their vessels with the Egyptian and Assyrian wares, and they settled on the seacoast of Syria down to Philistia (Papyrus Harris I.78, lines 1-4; Historiai, book 7, chapter 89 & book 1, chapter 1). 

Nevertheless, even without the consent of Queen Tausert, Hebrews with Kenite Kushite Midianites could settle in Athika for military reason, particularly that their supplies of copper for the production of sword were abundant in Timna Valley. It was later when Queen Tausert, after taking the position "king of Egypt," conspired with Yar-su (Moses).

The military division under Moses to scout areas needed to be cleared from Hittites, Hivites (Gueans), and Canaanites were coded "sir'ah" (Hornet), which Manetho described as "Lepers." 

" wasalahti (and I will send)
'et-ha (the)
sir'ah (hornets)
lepaneka (ahead of you)
wagerasah (and which shall drive out)
'et-ha-hiwwi (the Hivites),
ha-kana'ani (the Canaanites),
we'et (and)
ha-hitti (the Hittites)
milapaneka (before you)." - Exodus 23:28

Moses plays a pun of word here, including the jargon that only them could quickly comprehend.
"Tsaraath" ("leprosy") is the rootword of both 

sir'ah ("hornets, wasps")

This part of people coded as "leprous" is also mentioned in the Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt) written by the Egyptian Greek priest Manetho (fl. c. 285 - c. 239 BCE):

"... for the
 leprous people,
 and the multitude that was with them, although they might formerly have been angry at the king, and at those that had treated them so coarsely, and this according to the prediction of the prophet;  yet certainly, when they were come out of the mines,..." - Against Apion, book 1, section 29

 Manetho was saying that the "leprous" people came out from mines, and he also even mentioned a prophecy. The physical evidence of their presence is found in Athika where the mining sites can be also located. This mining area was not known to king Setnakhte (1190-1186 BCE) as it was concealed by Queen Tausert. The leaders of Setnakhte alluded in 1189 BCE the fulfilment of the prophecy, the prophecy of the defeat of Yar-su's troop (Elephantine stela, line 15).
The code name "tsaraath" (leprosy) is described by Moses as those who would drive out Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites.
The first layer of the term
 " sir'ah
"hornets" or bees, 
which that time may refer to the nomen of the pharaoh, understandable as the pharaoh (Queen Twosert) had permitted sending fighters (as distant as into the Hittite land), besides of the fact that they could learn from Egyptian history that Retenu (of the northern Syria) had abundant bees' sweet wax, because many jars of honey are used as a tribute to king Thutmose II annually in the olden time, as Moses also reiterated to them that Canaan is " a land flowing with milk and honey" (Numbers 16:13).

Who were these men authorized to go ahead to drive out Hivites, Canaanites, and Hittites?

" So the tribe of Dan sent from their families five valiant men of their number from
and Eshtaol ... Following their orders, which were "Go and scout the land." They came to the mountainous region of Ephraim, arrived at Micah's home, and stayed there." - Judges 18:2 (ISV)

They were the scouts of Dan who would search the land through. 
Micah this time was a wealthy man who hired Jonathan  (the grandson of Moses) to be a priest of his teraphim and  graven image. But the 600, 5 Danites arrived at Micah's house and took his gods -  graven image, ephod, teraphim, and molten image - and they also brought Jonathan to be their father and priest at Laish, and they changed the name of Laish into "Mahaneh Dan" in around 1188 BCE (Judges 18:1-31).
On the other region, "Zorah" was allotted to the tribe of Judah, but the troops of Dan occupied it. Samson was born there (Jos.19:41, Judg.18:2, 13:2, 25).
 This  Zorah city is mentioned also in Amarna letters (EA 334 & 335). 
As evidence by the case of Micah and Jonathan (c.1188 BCE), the fighters of Dan became more aggressive in subduing lands during the reign of Rameses III (1186-1155 BCE). But they did not elect a "king," the same is true to all activities of the Sea Peoples in the "circuit of Earth" of the Mediterranean Sea, excepting by calling "Kush-Meshusha" (Yah-Moses) as "king" which probably later deified as "Melkart," since Moses was known as a God to pharaoh (Exo.7:1) and was teaching that pagan gods are not superior than humans. 
Not only Laish did Danites renamed as "Dan," some of the Denyen (Danites) who found a habitation in area near Kue (Cilicia Pedias) had Luwian descendants who identified themselves as 

Their first appearance as sailors is mentioned by prophetess Deborah in 1208 BCE. They were involved in founding Tyre, Kittim, Kue (Cilicia), Tell Dan, Ekron, and other territories connected to Peleset. Greeks personified their tribe as "Danaos" who escaped Aegyptus, the personified place of Delta Egypt. 
Kueans called the Danuniyim as "Surai," the coded division of Hornet and another way of expressing "Asherim" (Asherites) or Israel. Greeks transliterated Surai Peleset as "Syria Palestine," originally meant "Asherim-Philistim" (Asherites-Philistines), the very active military force during the Late Bronze Age Collapse who destroyed many empires and kingdoms to clear out neighboring areas for Israel to settle smoothly in Canaan.


We can summarize the pre- and post exodus as follows:

A) Seti I (1290-1279) started building projects, and built shrine in Athika, Edom.

B) King Rameses II (1279-1213) continued the projects and renamed them Pithom and Raamses.
C) 1279 BCE: Exodus 2:23 reported that "the king of Egypt died."
D) 1229 BCE: the misery in king Rameses II started after he gave silver to Moses.
E) 1228 BCE: the firstborn son of Rameses sitting on the pharaoh 's throne died, which according to Moses, as a judgment of YHWH against the Egyptian gods. 

F) The troops of Yar-su (Moses) plundered Egyptians with silver, gold and so on.

G) 1227 BCE: Ipuwer reported that fire hit the enemy (people of dessert), whereas Moses reported that the earth in Sinai (Makhtesh Ramon) eaten alive his cousins and fire devoured them. 

H) Hori reported the presence of giant Shasu, known to king Rameses II as "Shasu of Arbar" and to Joshua as "Sheshai of Arba."

l) From around 1227 to 1193 BCE Moses was absent in Kadesbarneah. The leader of the Jeshurun division in Kadesbarneah was Miriam.

J) It is reported that Herakles of Tyre died in 1226 BCE. A year or so, Kush-Meshusha (Yah-Moses) became active in Alashiya, Cyprus.

K) 1218 BCE: first expedition of Greek ancestors to Troy.

L) c.1210 BCE:  The confederation of Atlas (Talsa/Tursha) became active to antagonize Egyptian and Hittite forces.

M) In 1208 BCE, 20 years after king Jabin subdued Kenites, Asherites, and so on, Deborah led the Battle of Kishon and defeated general Sisera at Kedumim. She mentioned "Dan" and "Asher" as active in maritime affairs.

N) 1197 BCE: series of battles was begun in Troy.

O) 1193 BCE: likely upon the arrival of Moses in Kadesbarneah, Chancellor Bey was executed by pharaoh Siptah and Queen Tausert. 

P) 1192 BCE: Moses led Isreal to move from Kadesbarneah.

Q) 1190 BCE: Queen Tausert became pharaoh. The headquarters of prophet Balaam was destroyed and Balaam was killed by the troop of Moses.

R) The military division under Moses went to Edom, during the time that Queen Tausert conspired with him.

Yar-su (Moses) may have asked pharaoh Tausert to keep secret Athika, and king Rameses III confirmed that Atika, Edom remained secret from Setnakhte's knowledge. Why that copper mining sites must be concealed? According to ancient Egyptian historian, priest Manetho, the troop of Moses was in the mining area. It is corroborated in the Bible when Moses made mentioned their stay in Edom in 1190 BCE. While the troops of Joshua built settlement in Hormah (Tell Masos), the troops of Moses went from Mt. Hor to yam suph going to Edom.

Numbers 21:4-10

"And they journeyed from Mt. Hor by the way of the 

yam suph [reeds' Sea],

to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. And the people spoke against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loathes this light bread. And YHWH sent fiery 

ha-nahasim [(dual) serpents]

among the people, and they bit the people; and 

rabh [general]

 of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against YHWH, and against thee; pray unto YHWH, that He take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And YHWH said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a 

copper snake,

and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the copper snake, he lived. And the descendants of Israel set forward, and camped in Oboth." -Numbers 21:4-10

In practice, then religious men were making twin snakes that they would use for worship. But Moses intended it not for worship. Nevertheless, Midianites made another copper snake, and archaeologists found that very object there in Athika (Timna Valley), Edom.


*"The Exodus enigma" - The Jerusalem Post, by Stephen Gabriel Rosenberg. March 24, 2013, 22:21.

*A leader of a  tribe in 
 in 705 BCE identified himself as a descendant from the "house of Mukasa" (Mopsa, in Phoenecian). 

*"from the reign of Hercules in Argos to the deification of Hercules himself and of Asclepius there are comprised 38 years, according to Apollodorus the chronicler: and from that point to the deification of Castor and Pollux 53 years: and somewhere about this time was the capture of Troy." -Preparation of the Gospel 10.12, Eusebius reported that Clement could offer historical dates for Hercules as a king in Argos.
It is related that Heracles defeated "Busiris" ("pr-wsjr" in Egyptian "Temple if Osiris"), a necropolis and center for the cult of Osiris and personified as an Egyptian king and son of Aegyptus, another personified place during the time of king Rameses II (1279-1213 BCE).

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