18 February, 2021



It was the symbol of the religion of YHWH, the God of Moses. The religion is claimed to be rooted from the discovery of Abram with the God of king Melchizedek of Salem.

Terah and his sons, Abram (1738-1564 BCE) and Nahor, were worshipping gods from Urkasdim. The name of Abram itself is a suggestive of being a priest of stars as it may mean " Father of the High." According to Joshua gods of Abram were of Amorites in the other side of the Euphrates river (Joshua 24:2,3,14,15). 

Terah brought his family from Urkasdim (Urkash-dumu) to Haran.  It's expected since Urkash-dumu (sons of Urkesh) that time were immigrating for being not satisfied with the way their leader was handling their country, on the issue of being under the 'claw' of another master (king). In Harran a high temple of moon god Sin was standing and very well known that time.

In 1664 BCE Abram had a dream that Yah, his God, was asking him to leave Haran for Canaan. And because of a famine he was compelled to go down to Egypt, particularly in the fertile land of Delta. And there he encountered intriguing practices, the circumcision of the native Egyptian priests and the newly human sacrificing after Minoans had erected an altar for the purpose. 
The circumcision topic penetrated his subconscious and brought up it in a dream where his God told him to circumcise males of his family members as young as 8-day of age. Whereas the issue of sacrificing was brought out when a malakh (messenger) of Yah tried his loyalty. It was because he became a member of the faith of king Milchezedek of Salem, of whom may be appellated the people of Emim, whose leader was called "Abi-Yamimu" ('Father of Emims) of the tribe of Anak in Moab. This league was against Egyptians, and as a drastic reaction Egyptians were writing their names on pot or stone to be cursed.
 Abram was tried if he would do the human sacrificing (e.g. new practice of Avaris, Egypt) to his son to prove his loyalty. When he was in the very act of killing his MONOGENES (privileged son), the messenger ordered him not to harm his son. 

Isaac was born (1637 BCE) a year after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:10,14,20 & 21:1-2).

But a year before the destruction of Sodom, in 1639 BCE there was a prophecy that Abram would become a father of many Gentiles, and apostle Paul says it took its effect after 430 years (Genesis 17:3-7, Galatians 3:16-17).

And yes, exactly, in 1208 BCE king Merneptah confirmed it when the pharaoh officially reported that Israel was many men and women outside Egypt proper and fighting the pharaoh. 

And further back in time, in 1665 BCE, before Abram impregnated Hagar (1664 BCE), Abram had a dream that his God told him that his descendants would immigrate to other country and serve there and after 400 years they would be afflicted (Genesis 15:13), and this had materialized when king Rameses the Great visited Nubia to inaugurate the temple in Abu Simbel in 1255 BCE.

By 1550 BCE Isaac could not go further down Egypt because king Ahmose had a 'No Hyksos policy'. And military back up of Hyksos in Egypt declined in power as Thera volcano erupted and disturbed the livelihood of Minoans and Quresia (Therasia), leaving only the troop of Phicol in Gerar near the border of Egypt, and Hittite king moved further southward to Alalakh (and as a possible consequence, threatening the Hyksos palace in Galilea).

Rebekah, who was married by Isaac in 1599 BCE just few weeks after the death of Sarah (1600 BCE), gave birth to Jacob and Esau in 1578 BCE (Genesis 25:26).

Jacob became the husband of Leah and Rachel in 1498 BCE, and born 

Reuben (1497),

Simeon (c.1495), 

Dan (c.1494),

Levi (c.1493),

Naphtali (c.1492),

Judah (c.1491),

Gad (c.1490),

Asher (c.1489),

Issachar (c.1489),

Zebulun (c. 1487),

Dinah (c. 1485),


Joseph (1485 BCE).

Having served his uncle Laban ben Bethuel for 14 years (1498-1485), his uncle asked for another 6 years. After the summer and winter of 1481 BCE Jacob managed to escape, but his uncle sought him, and in 1480 they made a covenant at Jegarsahadutha Galeed, Mizpah. 
Jacob named another place, Mahanaim where there was likely a school of malakhot Elohim (messengers of God) those days, and which was later called "foreign Pella" (or likely 'Pella of Hyksos') and much later a receiving house there became a station of prophet Bala'am during the time of Queen Tausert (1190 BCE). 
From there Jacob and his family passed over Jabbok

In Judges 11:22-26 Jephtah recalled how Israel lived in Jabbok and then Israelites lived there until the 300th year (1180 BCE). 

1480 BCE
  300 years
1180 BCE

Joseph was the youngest son of Jacob. His name was a hypocoristic " Hotep " ("Peaceful, Content").

 In 1469 BCE when Jospeh was 17 years old , because of envious motive, his siblings sold him to Midianites at 20 pieces of silver, historically the then current price (Genesis 37:1,28). The Midianites then brought him to Egypt, and  Potiphar, a captain of the guards, bought him;
 but in 1458 BCE Joseph was imprisoned for attempted rape. In prison were also the butler and baker of the pharaoh punished because of a little and grievous offense, respectively. These two men got dreamed and Joseph correctly interpreted their dreams. The butler was restored to his job as also what Joseph's interpretation predicted. 

In 1456 BCE, when Joseph was 30 years old (Genesis 41:46) he was summoned by the butler as the pharaoh had also a dream and wanted to know its meaning. 
Joseph interpreted that there would be Seven Years of gathering of grain







1450 BCE)

 would be followed by 7 years of famine (1450-1449-1448-1447-1446-1445-1444 BCE).

Because of this he was given the title "Zaphnathpaaneah," which may mean 'president of matter concerning life/food preservation, storage' or when God preserves life.

After the 7 years of gathering grain, the famine started (1450 BCE), and the sons of Jacob bought foods to Egypt. By 1449 BCE Joseph revealed to siblings his true identity.

"... I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt. 
For these 

2 years

 has the famine been in the land: and yet there are 5 years, in which there shall neither be earing nor harvest." - Genesis 45:4,6

"Pharaoh said said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get you into the land of Canaan;
...take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your father, and come.

And the children of Israel did so: ...


they went up out of Egypt

and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob their Father." - Genesis 45:17, 19, 25

After 4 centuries, court record of the kingdom of Israel has this:

" And it came to pass in the 480th year  after the 

bene  yishra'el [sons of Israel]

came out of the land of Egypt,

 in the 4th year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Ziv, which is the second month, that he began to build the temple of YHWH." - 1Kings 6:1

1449 BCE
  480 years
969 BCE

Outside the Bible, this building of the temple was also reported in the court of the kingdom of Tyre saying that it took place in the 12th regnal year of king Hirom (r. 981-947 BCE).
The 12th year of Hiram's reign was between 969 and 968 BCE. 

Solomon was announced as the successor of king David in 972 BCE and succeeded on the throne in 971 BCE after the death of king David. 




 969 BCE

The Year 4 of king Solomon was between 969 and 968 BCE, when he erected the "house of YHWH" in Jerusalem.

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